New PO BMHC 1000pxThe Bonner Milltown History Center and Museum invites you to visit - in person and digitally! Bonner was defined by wood products mills from 1886 until 2008. Generations of workers and their families recognize Bonner and surrounding neighborhoods as a wonderful place to work and live. If working at the mill was your entire career, a segment of your work life, or your summer job, if you were a logger or forester, or a business owner, shcool teacher, or family member, being associated with Bonner connects you to a rich history.

The Bonner Milltown History Center and Museum welcomes your support. We are a volunteer organization funded by the generosity of businesses, grants, and people like you.

If you can share a photo, a story, or a cash donation, please do. No anecdote or donation is too small and every one contributes to the saving of the history of a unique place - home.

Keep in touch by visiting our website often or connecting on Facebook. Send your address and/or email to be included on our mailing list. To donate money, make checks payable to Bonner Milltown History Center. Send to Bonner Milltown History Center, PO Box 726, Bonner MT 59823.

Better yet, visit us at 9397 Hwy 200, Bonner MT. We're in the Post Office building. Hours are Tuesday 9:30-11:30 for coffee and conversation with Jimmie Willis and guests or Wednesday and Thursday 2 - 4:30.

We hope to see or hear from you soon!