To celebrate the republishing of A Grass Roots History: The Story of Bonner, Montana, Superintendent Doug Ardiana asked Kim Briggeman to teach an adult education class on Bonner history. Kim obliged and, for four Wednesdays in March, delighted the class with insights into our past. Unfortunately, the classes weren’t recorded, but the notes from Kim’s History Forum “When Bonner Was Young” remain.

Purchasing a copy of A Grass Roots History: The Story of Bonner, Montana was the only class requirement. These are available today, as then, for $20. Copies are available at the Bonner Milltown History Center and Museum, Bonner School, and the River City Grill. Still only $20.

When Bonner Was Young
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Week 1: 1806-1862. The Lewis Blackfoot Leg

Week 2: Native trails, Stevens Railroad Survey, Mullan winters at Milltown, The Song of Bonner, Bonner Timeline

Week 3: Couching 1886, Why Bonner?, The first school

Week 4: School Days, Shakespeare in Bonner, Bonner School, Log Drives, Parting shots